Real Estate Marketing

Email Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Businesses 

In the fiercely competitive real estate market, achieving a robust online presence is paramount for success. Traditional marketing alone is no longer sufficient in today’s digital landscape. Real estate professionals must leverage innovative strategies like email marketing to capture and maintain client interest effectively. This blog will explore how email marketing for realtors can significantly enhance client engagement and secure a competitive edge in the market, turning potential leads into loyal clients.

Understanding Email Marketing in Real Estate

Real Estate Marketing through email is a versatile tool that plays a crucial role in building relationships and converting prospects. By implementing real estate email marketing strategies, businesses can maintain a continuous line of communication with both potential and existing clients, ensuring they are always connected and well-informed about the latest developments and offerings.

Why Real Estate Needs Email Marketing?

Why Real Estate Needs Email Marketing

Email marketing offers numerous advantages for real estate businesses, providing a direct and personal channel to communicate with clients. Here are some additional key benefits:

  1. Targeted Communication

    The ability to tailor communications with prospective and current clients is one of the primary strengths of email marketing. Real estate agents can harness detailed segmentation to send customized emails that cater to the specific interests and needs of different audience segments. This segmentation might be based on demographic data, past interactions, or user behavior such as website activity (e.g., properties viewed, inquiries made).

    For instance, a real estate agent could send tailored property suggestions to clients who have previously shown interest in similar property types, or provide first-time homebuyer tips to those who have interacted with relevant content. By ensuring that the information is highly relevant, email marketing increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion, making it a critical tool for effective communication.

  2. Increased Visibility

    In the competitive real estate industry, maintaining visibility is crucial. Email marketing allows businesses to regularly reach out to their client base with updates and information, keeping the agency’s brand top of mind. This consistent communication can include newsletters containing market analysis, updates on new or upcoming listings, changes in real estate laws, or information about local events affecting the housing market.

    These regular updates not only keep clients informed but also position the real estate business as a current and knowledgeable authority in the field. When clients are ready to decide whether buying, selling, or renting, the agency’s continued visibility greatly increases the chances they will reach out to the realtor who has consistently provided them with valuable information.

  3. Building Trust

    Trust is a cornerstone in the relationship between real estate professionals and their clients. Through consistent and valuable email communications, real estate businesses can establish and nurture trust. This is achieved by providing not just promotional content, but educational and insightful information that assists clients in making informed decisions. Emails that answer common questions, explain complex market data, or offer genuine advice add value to the clients’ decision-making processes.

    Furthermore, personalized emails that acknowledge client milestones, such as the anniversary of a home purchase or a check-in during their moving period, help build a personal connection. These efforts show clients that the business cares about them not just as customers, but as individuals, which is crucial in building long-lasting relationships and trust.

Essential Components of Effective Email Campaigns

Why Real Estate Needs Email Marketing

For email campaigns to truly succeed in the real estate sector, they must include several critical elements:

  1. Personalized Email Content

    Personalization in email marketing goes beyond addressing the recipient by their name. It involves tailoring the content of the emails to meet the specific interests, preferences, and needs of the recipient, which significantly enhances engagement and conversion rates. For real estate, this could mean segmenting the email list based on various factors like the type of properties a client is interested in, their budget range, or their stage in the buying or selling process.

    For example, sending curated property listings to potential buyers who have shown interest in similar properties in the past can feel highly personalized. Similarly, providing sellers with market trends relevant to their property type or geographic location can demonstrate your agency’s knowledge and attentiveness to their individual needs. Such personalized content not only increases the likelihood of engagement but also strengthens the client’s perception of the real estate business as attentive and client-focused.

  2. Responsive Design

    With the increasing use of mobile devices to access emails, having a responsive email design is crucial. Responsive design ensures that emails look good and function well on any device, particularly smartphones and tablets. This involves using email templates that adjust the layout and content based on the screen size and orientation of the device being used.

    In real estate, where visuals play a crucial role, ensuring that images of properties display correctly and attractively on mobile devices can significantly affect the recipient’s engagement levels. Moreover, easy-to-navigate designs that allow recipients to quickly find pertinent information, such as property details, contact forms, or buttons to schedule viewings, are essential. A responsive design enhances user experience, which can lead to higher click-through rates and increased engagement.

  3. Clear Calls-to-Action

    The call-to-action (CTA) in an email is one of the most critical components of the campaign’s success. A clear and compelling CTA guides the recipient on what to do next, which can significantly impact the conversion rate. In real estate emails, CTAs should be direct and easy to find, encouraging recipients to take a specific action such as viewing a new listing, contacting an agent, signing up for a newsletter, or reading a recent blog post about market trends.

    For instance, an email showcasing new listings might include a CTA like “Schedule a Viewing” that links directly to an appointment scheduling page. Similarly, an email offering a market analysis might have a “Download the Report” button that leads to a landing page where the report can be accessed in exchange for further contact details. Each CTA should be visually distinct (using buttons with contrasting colors, for example) and placed strategically within the email to draw attention and prompt action.

Implementing Email Marketing Strategies

A strategic approach is necessary for the effective implementation of email marketing within the real estate industry:

  1. Lead Magnet Creation:

    Develop compelling lead magnets, such as exclusive market reports or free consultation offers, to encourage website visitors to provide their email addresses.

  2. Segmentation and Personalization:

    Use data-driven insights to segment your email list and personalize messages based on user behavior and preferences.

  3. Regular Testing and Feedback:

    Implement A/B testing for subject lines, content, and images to discover what resonates best with your audience and refine strategies based on feedback.

Challenges and Solutions in Email Marketing

Navigating challenges in email marketing is crucial for real estate businesses:

  1. Overcoming Spam Filters:

    Craft emails that avoid spam triggers and include engaging, relevant content to ensure they reach the recipient’s inbox.

  2. Maintaining Engagement:

    Develop a content calendar that schedules regular and varied content to keep subscribers interested and engaged over time.

Future Trends in Real Estate Email Marketing

Looking ahead, email marketing in real estate is set to become more sophisticated with the integration of new technologies:

  1. Behavioral Triggers:

    Automated emails triggered by specific actions taken by a prospect, such as visiting a high-value property page, can significantly increase the relevance and timeliness of communication.

  2. Advanced Analytics:

    Utilizing advanced analytics to better understand the effectiveness of email campaigns and further refine targeting strategies.


Email campaigns for real estate are vital for both attracting new clients and maintaining relationships with existing ones. As a leading Proptech and real estate marketing Company, BeyondWalls excels in helping real estate businesses craft and implement powerful email marketing strategies that are tailored to the unique dynamics of the real estate market. With the right strategies, real estate businesses can not only grow but also nurture a loyal client base that appreciates their expertise and engagement.

Real Estate Marketing

SEO for Real Estate: The Complete Guide to Improve Search Visibility

In the rush of excitement, we often leap into creating blogs, websites, and numerous other digital properties with a cascade of ideas. However, we soon face a harsh reality when these digital assets fail to appear in search results, pointing to a gap in our SEO knowledge. Understanding SEO is crucial in today’s digital landscape, especially in sectors like real estate, where the competition is intense. In the dynamic world of real estate, where every click and search matters, mastering the art of real estate SEO is akin to wielding a powerful tool for success. Whether you are a seasoned realtor or looking forward to creating a property listing for your projects, understanding the intricacies of real estate SEO can mean going from being unnoticed to being at the top of search results. This comprehensive real estate SEO guide aims to illuminate the path toward enhancing your online visibility, improving real estate website ranking, and cementing your position as a formidable force in the digital realm of property listings.

In the blog, you will delve into the vital question of why real estate needs SEO and how it functions. Then, you will explore the essential components of Real Estate SEO, empowering you to handle your data online like a pro.

  • Understanding Real Estate SEO

    Real estate SEO is the strategic process of improving a website’s visibility in search engine results pertinent to the real estate industry. This involves tailoring content and technical aspects of your website so that it attracts more visitors looking specifically for real estate listings, advice, and agency services. Effective SEO is foundational for establishing an online presence that captures and converts user interest into actionable leads.

  • Why Real Estate Needs SEO?

    In the vast sea of online real estate content, standing out requires more than just having a well-designed website. SEO is vital because it helps real estate professionals target their marketing efforts to reach potential clients while searching. With precise SEO, a real estate website can become not just visible but also preferable to prospective clients navigating through countless listings and agent options.

  • Essential Components of Real Estate SEO

    Why Real Estate Needs Email Marketing
    1. Keyword Research:

      This component focuses on improving your website’s ranking in real estate-related searches. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into your content and meta tags, you can increase your chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). For example, optimizing your website with location-specific keywords like “luxury homes in [city]” or “affordable apartments near [landmark]” can help you rank higher in real estate searches.

    2. Optimize Real Estate Website for Google:

      Google is the dominant search engine, so optimizing your real estate website for Google is crucial. This involves adhering to Google’s guidelines for website structure, content quality, and mobile friendliness. Implementing schema markup for property listings and ensuring fast page loading speeds are examples of optimization techniques to improve real estate website ranking and performance on Google.

    3. Attract Organic Traffic to Real Estate Website:

      Organic traffic refers to visitors who find your website through unpaid search results. To attract organic traffic to your real estate website, focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Regularly publishing blog posts on topics like home-buying tips, market trends, and neighborhood guides can help drive organic traffic to your site.

    4. Local SEO for Real Estate Agents:

      Local SEO is crucial for real estate agents who target specific geographic areas. To optimize for local search, ensure your business information is consistent across online directories, including your name, address, and phone number (NAP). Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business to boost your local SEO rankings.

    5. On-Page SEO for Real Estate Listings:

      On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and attract more relevant traffic. For real estate listings, optimize each listing page by including descriptive titles, engaging property descriptions, high-quality images, and relevant keywords. Additionally, optimize meta tags, headings, and URLs to improve the visibility of your listings in search results.

  • Implementing a Real Estate SEO Strategy

    Setting up a real estate SEO strategy involves a clear plan of action. Start by defining specific goals, for example like increasing leads from Pune’s property buyers. Conduct extensive keyword research to understand what potential clients are searching for, and tailor your website’s content to meet those queries. Regularly updating your SEO tactics based on analytics and market trends is crucial to maintaining and improving your site’s performance.

  • Challenges and Solutions

    Real estate businesses often encounter SEO challenges like high competition and algorithm changes. One effective solution is focusing on niche markets, such as luxury properties or eco-friendly homes, which may have less competition. Staying updated with SEO best practices and Google’s algorithm updates can also help you adjust your strategies to maintain a competitive edge.

  • Future Trends and Innovations

    Emerging trends such as artificial intelligence, voice search, and mobile-first indexing are reshaping SEO strategies. Real estate businesses must adapt to these changes to ensure their online presence remains strong. For example, optimizing voice search by using more conversational keywords can capture the increasing number of users who use voice assistants to search for property.


SEO is an essential component of any successful real estate business strategy, especially in competitive markets. By implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to the real estate sector, businesses can enhance their online visibility, attract more relevant traffic, and achieve significant growth in both leads and sales. Remember, the landscape of digital marketing is ever evolving, and staying proactive in SEO efforts is key to ongoing success.

As the digital landscape evolves, staying proactive in SEO efforts is paramount to ongoing success. If you are seeking comprehensive real estate marketing services that encompasses every aspect from brand strategy and website optimization to SEO and beyond, look no further than BeyondWalls India’s end-to-end integrated Proptech ecosystem. With our comprehensive approach and innovative solutions, we are dedicated to empowering real estate professionals to thrive in today’s competitive market. Explore BeyondWalls today and discover how our integrated services can elevate your real estate business to new heights.

Real Estate Marketing

Mastering Property Listings: Effective Tips for Real Estate Developers in India

In the bustling world of Indian real estate, your property listing is much more than just an ad; it’s the first handshake between you and your potential buyer. With “Real Estate Portals” becoming the go-to for house hunting, having your property showcased there is crucial. However, simply listing is not enough. If your property has been sitting idle on the market longer than expected, it’s a wake-up call that something may be amiss with your approach.

While it’s true that the ups and downs in property prices and fluctuating buyer sentiment can impact sales, these aren’t always the culprits behind unsold properties. Often, the real issue could be hiding in plain sight: a lackluster listing. In a market as dynamic and competitive as India’s, overlooking the details in your property listing can make or break a sale.

A poorly crafted listing can deter potential buyers, making your property just another overlooked option in a sea of listings. It’s essential to recognize that in today’s market, your listing is not just information; it’s your property’s introduction to the world. It needs to speak the language of your buyers, reflecting their needs and aspirations, all while standing out from the competition.

For real estate developers, ensuring your property stands out online is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity.

If you’re looking to elevate your presence in online portals, this blog will provide you with essential tips to enhance your listings, ensuring they not only grab attention but also create lasting impressions.

Why Property Listings Matter:

In the dynamic Indian property market, listings are your showcase to the world. They are not just mere advertisements; they are the pivotal elements that attract and engage potential buyers or renters. Effective real estate listing emphasizes the importance of crafting listings that resonate with the audience, leading to quicker sales and better returns. A compelling property listing can significantly shorten the bridge between showcasing a property and closing a deal.

Example: Consider a property listing in Pune’s upscale Koregaon Park neighborhood. The listing highlights unique features such as eco-friendly amenities and proximity to popular cafes and art galleries. As a result, the property attracts environmentally conscious buyers and culture enthusiasts, showing the power of a well-crafted listing.

Top Real Estate Listing Tips to Stand Out in India’s Property Market

  1. Understanding Your Target Audience:

    Identifying and understanding your target audience is fundamental in crafting a high converting real estate listing. The Indian market is diverse, and so are the needs and preferences of its buyers. Conduct thorough market research to grasp what prospective buyers or renters are seeking. Whether it’s families looking for spacious homes or young professionals wanting modern apartments, tailoring your listings to reflect the aspirations and needs of your target demographic can dramatically increase your listing’s appeal.

    Example: For a luxury residential project in Pune’s Baner area, the developer conducted market research and found that the target audience includes high-net-worth individuals and expatriates. Consequently, the listings were tailored to highlight international standard facilities, privacy features, and the cosmopolitan lifestyle of the area.

  2. Key Elements of a Winning Property Listing:

    A successful property listing optimization strategy involves several crucial elements. Start with a catchy headline that captures the essence of the property. Follow with a detailed description that paints a vivid picture, emphasizing unique selling points and addressing potential concerns. Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date, reflecting the current state of the property. High-quality photographs and clear, precise details form the backbone of any attractive listing.

    Example: A listing for a 3BHK apartment in Hinjewadi, Pune, starts with a captivating headline: “Experience Serenity and Modern Living in Hinjewadi’s Heart.” The description proceeds to detail the spacious balconies, state-of-the-art amenities, and the IT park’s proximity, addressing the needs of IT professionals looking for convenience and comfort.

  3. Tips for Writing Compelling Property Descriptions

    The art of writing effective property descriptions lies in your ability to tell a story. Descriptions should highlight the property’s best features and unique selling points while also painting a picture of what life could be like living there. Use evocative language that appeals to the senses and creates a connection with the reader. Remember, your goal is to create compelling property listings that stand out and speak directly to the buyer’s aspirations and desires.

    For example, instead of simply listing features of a villa in Aundh, the description paints a vivid picture: A cozy living room as a space where one can unwind and feel at home or highlight how the natural light enhances the mood of the room. Your goal is to make potential buyers visualize living there and enjoying the lifestyle the property offers.

  4. Showcasing High-Quality Visuals:

    Visuals play an instrumental role in showcasing property value. Incorporate high-quality images that highlight the property’s best angles and features. Utilize virtual tours, AR, and 3D models to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the property. Drone photography can also be an excellent addition, offering a unique perspective on the property’s surroundings and locality. Good visuals not only enhance the listing’s appeal but also help buyers make informed decisions.

    Example: A high-end residential project in Shivajinagar provides a virtual tour allowing potential buyers to navigate through the lush, landscaped gardens and modern, airy interiors from their homes’ comfort.

  5. Optimizing for Search Engines:

    In today’s digital age, property listing optimization for search engines is crucial. Utilize relevant keywords throughout your content to improve visibility on search engines. This ensures that your listings are seen by a wider audience and increases the chances of attracting interested buyers.

    Example: The online listing for a new township in Urse uses well-researched keywords such as “sustainable living in Urse,” “luxury apartments near Mumbai-Pune highway,” and “family-friendly townships in Pune,” ensuring it appears in relevant search results.

  6. Incorporating Social Proof:

    Social proof can significantly boost the attractiveness of your property listings. Including testimonials and reviews from previous buyers adds credibility and trust. Highlighting stories of happy residents or successful sales can encourage potential buyers to take the next step. In real estate, trust is a key factor in decision-making, and incorporating social proof can be a decisive element in winning over potential buyers.

    Example: The listing for the newly launched residential project in Wakad features endorsements from early residents highlighting the area’s dynamic environment, top-notch security features, and stunning architectural design.


Creating a winning property listing in the Indian market requires attention to detail, understanding of the target audience, and a strategic approach to presentation and optimization. By applying the real estate listing tips and strategies outlined above, developers can significantly enhance the appeal of their listings. Effective listings not only attract buyers with listings but also pave the way for successful sales and satisfied customers. Remember, in the fast-paced world of real estate, a well-crafted listing is your first and most crucial step towards securing a successful transaction.

If you are searching for a real estate marketing agency that assists you with comprehensive marketing strategies and helps you convert more sales, look no further. At BeyondWall, a Proptech company, we believe that selling property should be an integrated approach, combining innovative tactics and solid industry knowledge.

BeyondWalls is a tech-driven platform designed to facilitate collaboration between Real Estate Developers and Channel Partners (brokers). Our mission is to provide a seamless end-to-end service for the home seeker, streamlining the journey from discovery to purchase. Join us at BeyondWalls, where we transform real estate transactions into seamless, successful experiences.

Real Estate Marketing

Achieving 2.5x Greater Efficiency in Real Estate Marketing Using AI

At BeyondWalls, we’ve harnessed the immense power of AI to revolutionize our approach to real estate marketing. It’s not just about automation; it’s about leveraging AI to its full potential.

🔍 Gathering Insights:

Earlier: Our teams used to manually research and gather data of the projects in the vicinity, demand, search volumes, etc. TAT- 3-4 Hrs.

Now: AI helps us gather invaluable insights from vast datasets. We can now understand market trends, customer preferences, and emerging opportunities with unmatched precision. TAT- 30-40 Mins.

📊 Analyzing Data:

Earlier: Our team looked at each data set, gathered insights and drew conclusions for our creative teams to come up with concepts. TAT: 1-2 Hrs

Now: AI is our secret weapon for data analysis. It enables us to make sense of complex information swiftly and accurately. These insights and conclusions are shared with our creative teams for marketing conceptualizations. TAT: 20-40 Mins

💡 Deriving Marketing Ideas and Concepts

Earlier: Our Creative teams brainstormed to come up with marketing concepts. TAT 1-2 days

Now: AI helps with the structure of ideas, forms directions and buckets of content that can be worked on. Our team carefully shortlists and extends the right ideas out of it to bring the right GTM communication. TAT: 3-4 Hrs.

🎯 Media Strategies:

The real game-changer? Tailoring media strategies.

Earlier: Based on TG analysis, product understanding, the media strategy was prepared manually. TAT: 1-2 days

Now: AI helps us identify the right channels, the perfect timing, and the ideal audience, all leading to unprecedented returns on investment. TAT: 3-4 Hrs.

AI-driven insights, we’re supercharging our marketing and real estate sales plans. Every decision is data-backed, ensuring we stay agile and adaptive.

We’re not just keeping up with technology; we’re shaping its future in real estate marketing. Our teams are dedicated to continuous learning and innovation, ensuring that we harness every technological advantage to provide you with the best solutions. We’re not just efficient; we’re relentlessly committed to excellence. In this ever-evolving landscape, we’re not just keeping pace; we’re setting the standard. Together, let’s redefine what’s possible in real estate marketing.

Real Estate Marketing

BeyondWalls Shines at Meta Real Estate Summit

BeyondWalls, a leading name in the real estate industry, has once again demonstrated its commitment to staying ahead of the curve. The BeyondWalls team recently had the honor of participating in the Meta Real Estate Summit 2024 at the Meta Office in Mumbai. This event brought together visionaries and experts from the Meta platform, shaping the future of real estate marketing.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Meta team, especially Dhriti Rattan, for hosting us at the Real Estate Summit in Mumbai. This collaboration with Meta has allowed BeyondWalls to harness the platform’s cutting-edge capabilities for the benefit of our esteemed real estate clients, including Amanora, DLF, TATA Realty, Birla Estates, Runwal Group, and many more. We’ve leveraged these capabilities for performance marketing campaigns that have redefined industry standards.

Here are some key insights that we gained from this enlightening event:

  1. Projected Growth by 2030:

    The digital advertising expenditure is set to experience an impressive 380% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), with Meta’s share accounting for a substantial 60%. This underlines the growing importance of Meta in the world of advertising and marketing.

  2. Instant Forms for Lower CPL:

    Leveraging instant forms can lead to a 20% reduction in Cost Per Lead (CPL), demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of this approach.

  3. Essential Metrics for Quality Leads (QLeads):

    Achieving quality leads is highly dependent on strategies such as using instant forms with conditional logic, higher intent forms, destination optimization, or Call-to-Dialog (CTDLG). These tactics contribute to 58% of QLeads, emphasizing the importance of a strategic approach.

  4. Messaging Experience on WhatsApp (CTWA):

    Exploring WhatsApp as a platform can enhance conversational marketing, conversational commerce, and conversational care, offering new avenues for customer engagement.

  5. AR and VR in Real Estate:

    The potential roles of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in the real estate industry were discussed, highlighting the possibilities for immersive property experiences.

  6. Anatomy of an Ad – the “Z” Placement:

    Insights into practical ad placements were shared, emphasizing the significance of ad positioning for engagement.

  7. Creative Elements for Differentiation:

    The event emphasized creative elements such as aesthetics, conceptualization, messaging, and graphics as tools for differentiation, emphasizing the need for unique and compelling content.

  8. Creative Dimensions:

    It was noted that the 4:5 ratio works best for performance, while the 16:9 ratio is ideal for in-stream ads, providing practical guidance for ad design.

  9. Enhancing CTAs:

    Transforming static content into simple video (in-motion) creatives can significantly improve Click-Through Rates (CTAs), showcasing the impact of dynamic content.

  10. Optimizing Reels:

    Reels should be designed with text in the safe zone to ensure maximum clarity for the audience, highlighting the importance of visual presentation.

  11. Adex Growth:

    From 2016 to 2024, the advertising expenditure (AdEx) is expected to see a remarkable 45% increase in Growth, underscoring the ongoing evolution of the advertising landscape.

We want to express our gratitude to Meta for organizing this fruitful and insightful summit. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to continued collaboration and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate marketing.

Stay tuned for more updates from BeyondWalls as we continue to pioneer new avenues in real estate marketing.

Real Estate Marketing

What is Real Estate Marketing? Top 10 FAQs

Effective marketing is a critical component of a thriving real estate business. It encompasses a range of strategies and techniques that aid in promoting and selling properties to potential buyers. You may have many questions if you’re seeking to enhance your marketing efforts.

This blog post will address the top 10 frequently asked questions about real estate marketing and its significance in the industry, from the fundamentals of real estate marketing to more advanced techniques.

  1. What Is Real Estate Marketing?
  2. Real estate marketing refers to the methods and practices used to promote and advertise real estate properties to potential buyers. It involves various strategies and tactics to attract and engage potential clients, generate leads, and close deals.

    Real estate marketing is a crucial aspect of the real estate industry as it helps you showcase properties, build your brands, and connect with clients. Additionally, it plays a vital role for property developers and investors, who rely on marketing to attract potential buyers and ensure a return on investment.

  3. What Are Some Examples of Marketing Strategies in Real Estate?
  4. Real estate marketing has many forms, including online and offline advertising, social media campaigns, property listings, and direct mail campaigns.

    Effective marketing requires a deep understanding of the local market, the target audience, and the latest marketing trends and technologies.

    Here are some strategies used in real estate marketing

    1. The best marketing tool for you is social media. You can create business profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, sharing pictures and videos of properties and engaging with followers.

    2. Email marketing allows you to reach out to potential clients and inform current clients about new projects and market trends.

    3. One of the crucial parts of the real estate industry is Networking. You can attend events and meetups to connect and build relationships with other professionals.

    4. Print advertising, such as flyers, brochures, and postcards, is an effective marketing tool, particularly for local listings and events.

    This is where Beyond Walls Digital comes in – a comprehensive digital marketing platform specifically designed for real estate developers. By leveraging the power of various digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, videos, walkthroughs, virtual tours, websites, paid Google and Facebook ads, and more, Beyond Walls Digital helps developers create a solid and impactful online presence.

  5. What Is Inbound Marketing in Real Estate?
  6. Inbound marketing per se is a strategy that attracts potential clients to real estate businesses by developing valuable content and experiences that address specific needs and interests.

    It creates a customer-centric marketing approach, providing value to clients rather than pushing advertising and sales messages. It also aims to position the business as a trusted authority in the real estate industry.

  7. How Do You Generate Real Estate Leads?
    1. Online Marketing: Online marketing is the most popular method for generating leads. You can create a professional website with an optimized landing page, use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and run ads on Google or Facebook to reach the target audience.

    2. Networking: Networking is an effective way to generate leads. Attending Industry events and local associations helps you to connect with other professionals, such as channel partners and contractors.

    3. Direct Mail Marketing: Email marketing is a cost-effective way to generate leads. You can Send postcards, flyers, or newsletters to inform clients about the offers.

    4. Cold Calling: Cold calling is a challenging method, but it effectively generates leads.

  8. How Can I Promote My Real Estate Business?
  9. The most challenging task of a real estate business is promotion, but with strategies, you can expand your reach and generate more leads.

    1. Online platforms -you should establish a robust online presence by creating a website, using social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, google ads), and optimizing your search engine rankings. The online presence will help potential clients to find you and learn about your services.

    2. Network- as mentioned above, Networking is the key in the real estate industry. Attend local events, join professional organizations, and build relationships with other industry professionals to expand your network.

    3. Customer service – excellent and personalized customer experiences can help you stand out from competitors and earn repeat business and referrals. Providing valuable resources such as informative blog articles, walkthrough videos, and sample flats can attract potential clients.

  10. How Do You Attract Buyers to Real Estate?
  11. Real estate is a highly competitive industry, with many agents vying for the attention of potential buyers. It’s imperative to have a strategic and well-planned approach.

    Following are some of the methods to attract buyers to real estate

    1. Optimize Your Online Presence

    2. – Create a visually appealing and user-friendly website showcasing your properties.

      – Use high-quality photos, videos, and detailed information about the property’s features and amenities.

      – Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram

      – LinkedIn to promote your properties.

    3. Price Your Properties Competitively

    4. – Research the local market to determine the current market value of similar properties.

      – Be realistic about your asking price.

    5. Attractive Offers and payment plans

    6. – You can create a sense of urgency through limited time offers to highlight the scarcity of available properties in the areas to motivate buyers to act quickly.

      – Developers can entice buyers by providing incentives such as discounts, flexible payment plans, and freebies.

  12. What Is a Real Estate Marketing Plan?
  13. A real estate marketing plan is an all-inclusive strategy designed to promote your company’s services, generate leads, and sell properties.

    It comprises a series of tactics, mediums, methods, and messages that will reach and engage potential buyers and sellers (channel partners).

    To develop a successful marketing plan, you must conduct quality and quantitative market research and do competitive analysis to identify your unique selling points and understand your target audience.

    For example, Branding and messaging can create a consistent and memorable image across all channels, including digital marketing tactics like social media, creative landing pages, email marketing, and search engine optimization. The plan should include metrics for measuring success and regular adjustments to improve results. With a well-crafted marketing plan, you will stand out in a competitive market and attract new clients.

  14. How Do You Create a Real Estate Marketing Plan?
  15. Creating a real estate marketing plan can seem daunting, but it’s crucial to success in this highly competitive industry. Understanding your unique selling proposition, setting marketing goals, and outlining the strategies and tactics help you achieve your targets.

    The following steps will help you create the best Real Estate plan.

    1. Start identifying your target audience and define your unique selling proposition.

    2. Consider your budget for, e.g., which channels you’ll use to promote your property or services and the tactics you’ll employ to reach your target audience.

    3. Utilize traditional and digital marketing techniques like social media, email, and print advertising.

    4. Measure your results and adjust your plan accordingly. Remember, a well-crafted marketing plan can be the key to achieving your real estate goals.

  16. Do You Need Social Media for Real Estate?
  17. Social media is an integral part of people’s daily lives, and it has also transformed how businesses operate, including the real estate industry.

    Social media platforms like Facebook, and Instagram, will give you an effective way to reach out to your potential clients.

    By using social media, you can build your brand and connect with your target audience. Social media platforms also offer creative tools for creating engaging content, such as images, videos, and infographics, which will help you showcase properties visually appealingly.

  18. How do I know if my marketing efforts are working?
  19. Keeping an account of your marketing efforts is essential to use your resources effectively and achieving your business goals.

    The following are a few ways to determine whether your marketing strategies are working.

    1. Set clear goals and objectives for your marketing campaign. E.g., increasing website traffic or generating more leads or promotions.

    2. Track the progress of your campaign using relevant metrics such as website analytics and active social media engagement.

    3. Monitor your sales and revenue growth to determine your marketing efforts to translate into actual business results.

    Regular review and analysis of your marketing metrics will help you identify areas for improvement. Be open and adjust your strategy to optimize your results.


Real estate marketing is important for any real estate business as it can significantly influence successful and compelling leads. The questions listed above are the most asked regarding real estate marketing, but they are far from all of them. If you would like more information on this topic or need assistance with creating a digital strategy specifically tailored to your real estate needs, be sure to reach out to experts such as Beyond Walls with experience in digital marketing for real estate businesses.

Real Estate Marketing

Why the First Touchpoint with a Customer is Crucial in Real Estate?

First impressions are everything in the world, especially in real estate. From the moment a customer walks through your door or clicks on your website, you have one chance to make a lasting and positive impact. That’s why the first touchpoint with a potential client is crucial for success in this industry.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what these first customer touchpoints are, the importance of a touch point, and how to optimize every stage for a strong relationship in real estate marketing.

What is a Customer Touchpoint?


A customer touchpoint is any interaction between a customer and a company. This can include online interactions, phone calls, emails, visits to brick-and-mortar locations, or even seeing ads. Touchpoints are essential because they allow companies to make a positive impression on customers and build relationships with them.

The first touchpoint is often seen as the most important, setting the tone for the entire interaction. It’s essential to ensure that the first touchpoint is positive and memorable, as this will increase the likelihood of the customer doing business with you again.

What is Customer Touchpoint Mapping?


Customer touchpoint mapping is a process of identifying and documenting how customers interact with a company. This includes both digital and physical touchpoints. The goal of this exercise is to gain a better understanding of the customer journey so that improvements can be made.

This process begins with creating a list of all potential touchpoints. Once this list is complete, each touchpoint should be evaluated based on how likely a customer will interact with it and its importance to the customer experience. After this evaluation, a map can be created showing all the different touchpoints and how they relate.

This map can then identify areas where the customer experience could be improved. For example, if customers often use two touchpoints but are not connected well, there may be an opportunity to create a smoother transition between them.

By understanding where and how customers interact with your brand, you can ensure that every interaction is positive and informative.

The Importance of Customer Touchpoints in Real Estate


As a real estate developer, you must make an excellent first impression on your potential customers. You aim is to build trust and credibility with them so they will choose you when they’re ready to buy a property.

Creating positive customer touchpoints means providing customers with an enjoyable and seamless experience at every stage. It’s essential to think about the little things that will improve their knowledge, such as having a well-designed website, being responsive to phone calls and emails, and providing helpful information at each process step.

In real estate sales, a few key things to remember when creating a positive first touchpoint with potential customers: be responsive, helpful, and personal. Responding quickly to inquiries shows you’re interested in helping potential customers find their perfect home and being practical means providing helpful information and resources without being pushy. And finally, being personal means creating an emotional connection with potential customers.

If you can do all these things, you’re well on your way to creating lasting relationships with customers in the real estate industry.

Building trust with your potential customers is essential to success in real estate. By creating positive customer touchpoints, you can show them you’re a reliable and knowledgeable service provider who always puts their best interests first.

Critical Touchpoints to optimize in Real Estate Customer Journey

  • Before the Purchase

Some ‘before the purchase’ touchpoints for real estate companies include social media posts, advertisements, reviews and ratings, spreading the word around, marketing content, etc. By tracking and analyzing these touchpoints, companies can identify areas to improve the customer experience.

For example, suppose a real estate marketing agency notices that its social media posts are not generating much engagement. In that case, it may want to consider creating more engaging content or finding other ways to reach its target audience. Similarly, they may want to consider changing their approach if they notice that their ads are not generating many leads.

By tracking and understanding their customer’s touchpoints, companies can make data-driven decisions that will help them improve the overall customer experience.

  • During the Purchase

The customer journey touchpoints during the purchase of a real estate property vary. They include the point of sale, conversations with the sales team, your website, site visit interactions, and more. Optimizing all of these touchpoints is essential to provide the best possible experience for your customers.

At the point of real estate sales, it is essential to be clear and concise about the purchase terms and what is included in the offerings. The sales team should be knowledgeable about the property and able to answer any questions. Your website should be easy to navigate and informative, providing potential buyers with all the information they need to make an informed decision. Social media interaction should be friendly and helpful, answering potential buyers’ queries.

  • After the Purchase

After the purchase, it’s essential to keep the customer informed and up-to-date on what’s happening with their purchase. This includes billing, follow-ups, transactional emails, support interactions, your knowledge base, cross-sell emails, and more.

It’s essential to keep your customer informed throughout the process so they are always aware of what is happening with their purchase. By providing timely updates and being available for support, you can ensure a smooth experience for your customer.


A positive and effective first interaction with a property buyer or seller can make all the difference in their experience. Building trust quickly, ensuring buyers feel valued, and understanding sellers’ needs is critical. By understanding customer needs, being accessible, and providing helpful advice at each process stage, real estate businesses can ensure initial customer touchpoints set them up for successful long-term customer relationships.

Real estate businesses seeking to optimize their digital customer touchpoints can reach out to leading real estate marketing company such as BeyondWalls for all their real estate sales & marketing needs.

Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Video Marketing: A Complete Guide for 2024

Buying a real estate property is a complex, time-consuming process and involves a lot of research. There are many sources to undergo the same research. Erstwhile, marketing for real estate was done with business cards, flyers, and window signs. It is not just enough now. You need to have a presence in the digital world with the right kind of information that your target audience requires.

Video marketing has gained recent popularity, and brands are considering it as this strategy has proven to be highly successful.

Real estate video marketing has a way of gripping its audience. Almost 94% of marketers have admitted how video marketing helped them improve their brand visibility. This is because of the inherent nature of human beings. We are very inclined to visual storytelling, and the ways the characters emote to it are relatable to us. This is why it is easier for the audience at large to consume videos. This makes it a glowing opportunity for marketers to enter in and use video marketing to improve their conversation rates and get direct real estate sales.

In this piece of content, we talk about all the prospects that you can dive into for crafting a niche for yourself in the digital space in an authentic way.

Types of Marketing Videos for Real Estate

The first thing you need to keep in mind while doing property video marketing is the USP of your project. You can use various options for reaching different sects of your audience, but primarily remember what makes it a sale for them:

1. Influencer Walkthroughs: People are more likely to follow the opinion of someone that they look up to. An influencer with a hold over your target base shall be tagged into walking through the property you want to sell. Have them showcase USP features in property video marketing.

2. Sample Flat Walkthroughs: When your sample flat is ready, have a video walkthrough with your audience and post it on your social. Inform them about the benefits the property offers in your video. 

3. 3D Walkthroughs: These walkthroughs are a tad bit more modern. They give a virtual tour of the place to your audience in 3D and can cover any structure provided with an internet facility. This will help your audience decide first base if they want to move forward with the property or not.

4. Video Mapping: You can undergo projection mapping and make the everyday objects into interesting plots. This is a dramatic technique of making a customized display for your property

5. Testimonials Videos: You can record the reviews that you have received from your previous clients and assemble them into a video form on your social platform. This will create a trust factor for your audience and will effectively convert potential buyers into buyers.

  • Analyze Your Audience
  • Sell Aspirations/Lifestyle

    The fortemost thing you need to do is to identify your target audience. Gauge the market and gauge the buyer’s persona that you can fill in. check in their real estate needs and then craft a property marketing video for the same audience.

    You can find your audience by researching deeper into your existing pool of customers. You can study their background and behavioral traits to find out everything you need to know about your buyer’s persona.

  • Prepare Your Script
  • For accurate real estate video marketing, you must prepare your script beforehand. Make sure that it does not come across as too ‘salesy’. Use the right bits of information and put a call-to-action content bit when necessary.

    You can add your personal experience to becoming a realtor if you are a realtor. You can also involve some of the work you have done in the past and show your happy clients. This will build a trust factor with your potential customers. Consider including all these things in your script, and make sure to hone it well before going on record.

  • Record High-Quality Content
  • Sell Aspirations/Lifestyle

    If you want to succeed with real estate video marketing, it’s important to record high-quality content. This means using a good camera and microphone and recording in a well-lit environment. It’s also important to edit your videos well so that they’re concise and easy to watch.

    People want to watch videos that are informative and entertaining. Your videos should be both of these things. They should offer viewers valuable information about the real estate market, and they should be filmed in an engaging way. It’s also important to upload your videos to a popular video-sharing platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo. This will help ensure that your videos get seen by a wide audience.

    By following these tips, you can produce high-quality real estate video content that will engage and inform viewers.

  • Showcase Your USPs
  • Over time by staying in business, you will figure out the main selling points you can leverage. Video marketing for real estate agents should have the USPs they are good with. List everything you are good at and craft it creatively in short videos.

  • Sell Aspirations/Lifestyle
  • Sell Aspirations/Lifestyle

    Do not sell a home; sell a lifestyle. Create aspirational videos. Add emotions to it. If you are planning to invest in digital marketing for real estate in India, you must add a heavy dose of emotional content to your video. It also remains true, as people pay more attention to emotions than information.

  • Record Concise Videos
  • In the end, remember to keep the videos as short as possible. The only reason videos work is because they are an exciting alternative to lengthy texts. So, try to keep your videos as short as possible.


You can follow a list of the above-mentioned tips and hacks to dive into real estate video marketing. Be sure to put in enough research that is well backed by your client’s history. Use the correct mediums for communicating these videos. Choose the right kind of content strategy and make the right choice for the social media platforms that you choose to share your content with the world.

Real Estate Marketing

Create A Successful Digital Marketing Plan for Real Estate Business

As an experienced realtor, you must have known the shift in property search in the last 10 years. The changes have advanced more towards the technological side of things, empowering your customers to look for online information while they look to buy a house. This digital penetration has changed the entire dynamic of real estate in the last couple of years.

Because of the advent of the digital market, your customers would come to you with well-backed research on the home they are looking into. Almost 83% of home buyers see a property online for the first time they purchase. And almost 33% of first-time home buyers look for properties online when they start researching.

If you are new to this and fear that the hefty changes in the real estate market will curb your prospects, do not worry. We have compiled a list of things you can do to create more opportunities for your business with a successful digital marketing plan. Let’s dive in deep to know about them.

Steps to Follow to Create a Solid Digital Marketing Plan For Real Estate Business:

1 .  Create Your Business Website

What is Social Media Marketing?

In any business, a website is necessary, but for a real estate business, a website is a must.  As you are selling a product that is heavily influenced by its look and feel, you must have a website that is enticing enough and is filled with multimedia to showcase the best part of the project. You can leave them with essential information so they would want to come more.

Also, with all the necessary details, you can list people you have worked with and met their real estate needs. It would humanize your website and build your audience’s trust in you. Almost  57% of internet users have admitted that they don’t recommend brands with poorly designed websites.

You can hire a  real estate marketing agency if you are unaware of the technical side of things.

2 .  SEO Strategy

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The better your website is for the audience, the higher it goes in the Google Page Ranking. Almost 70% of marketers in today’s world prefer SEO over other PPC for multiple reasons. For a real estate property marketing plan, you should ensure that your website has as much helpful content for your audience. SEO helps in the growth of your real estate business by:

  • Optimizing your visibility online 
  • Increasing your reach to your potential customers
  • Creating a trust factor with your audience
  • Valuable content on blog posts, boosts page ranking.

3 .  Pay-Per-Click Advertising

What is Social Media Marketing?

PPC advertising would work well for your real estate business if you want to generate leads. You should add this to your real estate digital marketing plan. By using PPC advertising you target people with similar searched keywords as your business. You pay for the ad when an interested buyer has clicked on your ad.

This is a genuine source for lead generation. As a real estate business, you can put your business ads and people searching for keywords similar to your brand and business will land on your page if your ad fits their needs. 

4 .  Email Marketing

Email marketing and campaigns are still relevant marketing plans for real estate businesses. It is a great way to generate leads and stay in touch with your existing clients. Also, you get your buyer’s persona with a well-rounded campaign. You can find clients through this and personalize your relationship with your customer base.

5 .  Content Strategy

What is Social Media Marketing?

Content strategy is where you use videos, blog posts, or images to create content with value for your audience. This is imperative to your real estate marketing plan as it regulates your viewership and engagement. Websites that respond quicker have 434% higher pages indexed by Google crawlers. Your website will be a top choice if your blog posts are useful and respond quickly to their users. 

Content strategy is how you share real estate news, tips, updates, or fun facts with your buyer or potential buyers. It is said that videos have 3 times higher engagement and viewership than regular content, so you should look to add it to your digital marketing strategy.

6.  Social Media Strategy

What is Social Media Marketing?

A realtor marketing plan is nothing without a social media strategy. You must have a presence on the social media handles where your target base is. You need to make them aware of your work and be present in their social media feeds. 

A study suggests that adding a social media plan to your digital strategy will increase your revenue by more than 20%. You can choose social media channels based on your audience’s presence on that media channel. 

7 .  Host Webinars

People look for an expert’s advice in a matter and if you could be someone or have someone with fundamental knowledge of real estate for your audience, then your webinar would be a definite success. A thoughtful speaker will enhance your real estate property marketing plan by folds. 


A digital strategy is a mixture of all these aspects. While forming one for you, get in touch with a real estate marketing agency to get the best for your firm. People are shifting away from offline modes to online platforms to gain the best for them. If you are a realtor or an individual looking to buy a home, you must add a digital marketing plan to your list of things to go through.

Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Social Media Marketing: 7 Strategies for Real Estate Businesses

Social Media is a concept that we are all extremely familiar and comfortable with. It is a collection of interactive technology platforms that allows us to share thoughts and ideas through mediums like written words or photos, and build a social community. It has evolved over time to become more than just a means of entertainment, and has a variety of other uses too.

One of the most significant uses of social media that is being newly explored is the potential that it holds as a source of marketing. Social media is an effective medium to capture the sentiments of its countless users, and brands can use these sentiments to convey their stories and make themselves memorable for consumers. The global network of social media presently comprises 4.55 billion users, and this network can be channeled towards social media marketing.

What is Social Media Marketing?

In simple terms, it is the process of using various social media platforms to advertise, market and promote goods and services. Social media provides a large platform of potential consumers for businesses, and hence it is an invaluable source for marketing.

Social media marketing can be extremely beneficial for almost every commercial activity, and real estate is no exception. Real estate social media marketing is a crucial tool for real estate agents and developers alike to showcase their various projects and services, and generate maximum leads from the large user base of such platforms. This is supported by data which has shown that 47% of real estate businesses reported generating highest quality leads through social media.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Like any other marketing strategy, real estate stakeholders who wish to explore this source of marketing must develop a cohesive plan and align their activities according to it. Here are some of the best strategies of social media marketing for realtors:

  1. The Power of Multiple Touchpoints:
  2. The phrase ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ is applicable to social media marketing, and hence choosing the right platform is essential for the success of any strategy. The term ‘social media’ includes several platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc. Hence with social media marketing, there are various touch-points which ensure that the consumers are engaged effectively. Though all these platforms are classified as social media platforms, but they are each very distinct marketing mediums in terms of:

    • The type of users active on the platforms
    • The type of content (textual, visual etc.) which is suitable for the platform

    These factors must be considered while implementing a strategy because only then will it be able to reach the target audience and engage the users.

  3. The Power of Paid Ads
  4. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have a feature for running paid ads, which can boost the reach of the brand by allowing a much larger audience to view the content uploaded by the business, as compared to the organic response that it would have had. Paid ads expand the reach of social media marketing for real estate agents, and also make marketing more interactive since users can comment, share and like the content of the ads.

  5. The Power of ‘Word-of-Mouth’
  6. As the name suggests, social media marketing is reliant upon the thoughts, opinions and feelings of the users. A personalized approach to marketing will hence be highly beneficial, and this can be achieved by sharing success stories and client testimonials. This will help the business in a variety of ways such as:

    • Instilling confidence in the brand by hearing and reading positive stories of its work
    • Knowing that other prior customers have had a good experience with the brand will encourage more users to avail its services
    • The credibility of the business is enhanced by sharing real stories

  7. The Power of Informative Communication
  8. A successful strategy that can be adopted for real estate social media marketing is to make the content informative and educational for the users. Real estate is a nuanced sector, which has a lot of different aspects associated with it. For a lucrative marketing strategy, content should be created to tackle these aspects. Informative communication will have dual benefits:

    • Users will have a better understanding of the real estate sector
    • The business can create a good reputation for itself as being aware of the functioning of the sector, which will help in acquiring customers
    What is Social Media Marketing?

  9. The Power of Virtual Site Experiences:
  10. Site experience is an important aspect of any real estate sale, because it allows consumers to witness and experience the project. This will help them make informed decisions, and it is an important part of marketing. Live videos are a unique aspect of social media platforms, and it can create an engaging, interactive and enhanced site experience for users.

  11. The Power of Networking:
  12. Social media marketing for real estate agents can be helpful in networking, since connections can be formed and nurtured through interactive actions on posts, and messaging features. Direct Messages (DM’) are another way that realtors and developers can maintain contacts, and they can also encourage social media users to subscribe to emailers through social media.

  13. The Power of Consistency:
  14. One of the easiest and most effective strategies for impactful real estate social media marketing is having a structured and consistent flow of content. This allows the users to stay connected with your brand and its content, which will lead to higher engagement rates.

If the strategies mentioned above are incorporated in a marketing plan, it can lead to successful outcomes for businesses. BeyondWalls – an integrated PropTech ecosystem is an end-to-end real estate marketing company. It also provides pre-sales, sales and post-sales support, and it is the ideal partner for real estate agents and developers for all their requirements.